What do Herons eat, anyway?
A peek behind the curtain on what fuels our Dance Dance Revolution team
A simple question kicked off some illuminating learnings about our team 🔦
What is your typical or preferred eating+fuel routine, before and/or after a big gaming session?
Player element: Fire
Fuel style: Simple gets it done
My regular playing days are Sunday and Monday afternoons, so I make it a point to make sure I rest and eat properly before these sessions!
I usually go with black coffee, toast, and a banana before making the 1-hour trip to Round1.
If I'm in a hurry and I can afford to spend a bit, I'll get either a smoothie or an acai bowl from Jamba Juice (...though it'd probably be cheaper to just invest in Greek yogurt and bananas for the week, lol)
During my session, I take a swig of water in between every song to make sure I stay hydrated. If I’m feeling low energy, sometimes it’s an energy drink or electrolyte beverage.
After my session, I'll normally just eat what's available to me, but will make sure it's mostly chicken and/or plant-based nowadays due to my Gout. Every now and then I'll indulge in some meat for more protein! 🥓🍖
Player element: Water
Fuel style: On-the-go convenience
Mostly I’d tell people not to do what I do 🤣
For Round1 sessions, since we have a 3-hour drive to get there, usually just eat before leaving town. Lately it’s been a big convenience store (QuikTrip) breakfast biscuit with sausage, bacon, egg, cheese.
I usually have something small and coffee-like alongside that, then a can of flavored sparkling water on the drive (Liquid Death), and an energy drink as we get closer. Healthy? Nah 😄
Home sessions on weekdays are just in the evening after dinner - usually not really any special routine there other than making sure dinner isn’t anything that will sit weird.
I drink a ton of water during my session. Usually have some Liquid IV later on. (3 hours in and on 32oz bottle #3 as we speak!)
Player element: Water
Fuel style: Weaponized nutrition
My sessions are usually during the weekday from 7pm to 9pm so I try to maximize my session as much as I can!!
1 to 2 hours before, I usually eat greek yogurt + banana and drink a lot of water! Depending on my energy levels I’ll do a double espresso shot no sugar.
During my session, I usually just drink water. Like a lot. If I need electrolytes my weapon of choice is coconut water.
Post-session, I do some sort of protein + carb. Nothing too specific although I try to focus on lean proteins and not eating anything processed. If I’m feeling lazy I’ll do a protein shake and call it a night.
Player element: Water
Fuel type: Chaotic hydration
Fucktons of water - I bring a 64oz water bottle to the arcade and drink a decent amount before I leave as well
Other than that, I make it all up
(Editor note: I love Tiza - ambones)
Player element: Earth
Fuel type: Keep it light, baby
I prefer to play in the mornings, and unfortunately I'm not much of a breakfast person! I struggle to play without distraction if I have a full feeling in my stomach, whether it’s food or water.
Caffeine is important, two cups of black coffee + soy creamer will do it. A glass or two of water, sometimes with electrolytes before a big session. Something simple and light to get me going, some oatmeal or a Clif bar will do.
I am a slow water drinker while I play, and tend to have some kind of electrolyte mixed in like a Nuun tablet, Liquid IV, or Gatorade powder. If I start to feel hungry mid-session, I usually have a mini-Clif bar with me for a boost.
When I’m done, I mega-hydrate! More water, or coconut water if I'm feeling like I need something extra. Food is usually something protein-y and filling: beans or tofu are good go-tos.
Player element: Water
Fuel type: Be thoughtful and carry a big banana
Mine is pretty dependent on what kind of timeline I’m operating on!
On days where I have a long buffer, I like a carb+protein situation and plenty of water at least two hours before I play.
I can’t play on a full stomach and feeling dehydrated makes me exhausted so the more ahead on that I can get, the better I feel mentally and physically.
Days where I feel like I have less time I tend to opt for the protein bar and energy drink route, but try to have them 45 minutes before. This is moderately successful lol.
I’m a BIG water drinker when I play and many times consume my whole 64oz bottle (and then some) if I play for 2+ hours. Love my gallon bottle 😂 Hydration gang!!
Oh also, I’ve fallen out of this habit lately, but I love a post-session banana.
… PS: Want to support us?
There are two more days left of our Team Heron Jersey Fund! We’ll continue fundraising until Sunday, 11/3. Help us achieve our esports dreams ✨

Until next time!
🪶 Team Heron